Robert "Hawk" Hawkins, Troy "Drivethru" Brown, John "Chill" Wills and Keith "Buck" Suitt of the Austin, TX chapter founded the Gunslingers Motorcycle Club in July 2003. Since then there have been 16 more Chapters founded. They are located in Wichita Kansas, Sutter Buttes California, Portland Oregon, Topeka Kansas, Motor City Michigan, Lubbock Texas, Twin Cities Minnesota, Wilmington Delaware, Fort Worth Texas, Kansas City Kansas, Odessa Texas, Fargo North Dakota, Houston Texas, Black Swamp Ohio. and Oklahoma City Oklahoma.
The California Chapter was founded in July, 2006 by Jeff "Mack" McNulty, Mark “Horse” Hidalgo, Tom “Red” Silvia, Steve “Wolf” King, and Bryan “Farva” Simpson.
We are a brotherhood made up of active and honorably retired Law Enforcement Officers who share a common love for our families, our motorcycles, and the open road. As Law Enforcement officers, we conduct ourselves accordingly with professionalism, respect for others, and above all, PRIDE!
Our California chapter is based in the Sutter Buttes area and includes officers from many different Law Enforcement Agencies from around the area. We are a non-profit organization which has donated to several charities and local families in need.
We wear patches at work, as well as patches on rides. We are a 99%er club, which means that we are the farthest from the OUTLAWS that wear the 1% patch.
Our love of the open road brought us together. The Thin Blue Line has kept us together. We ride for those who can't and support our brothers and sisters who have made the ultimate sacrifice protecting our cities, states, and nation.
For information on the club please contact Blinker